Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shhhhhh.... Did something scary...

I actually sang for James and recorded it! He has been begging me to get over my nerves and sing for him. I guess he must be tone deaf, but I am crazy so it all worked out!

Here's a little bit of info on me: I love to sing, but freak out or freeze when I am around people. I am no professional by any means, so don't judge too harshly. James supposedly loves my singing (it took me years to be able to sing in front of him) and begs for me to sing to him. I have always considered taking lessons to get better but never have. Oh, and I sang in church growing up. That's about it. Don't give the link out to just anybody yet. I'd rather strangers think I'm a fool other than people who actually know me. Lol.

Ok... dare I?? Eeeek!!

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